As many of you have discovered, the price for student season tickets to Gators football games has increased for the 2011 season. The price has jumped from $70 to $105, an increase of 50 percent that has some students reeling. But before you complain about the change, keep a few things in mind.
First, remember that student season ticket holders will pay $15 per game. That’s $15 to experience one of the most thrilling atmospheres in all college football at the home of one of its most-storied and exciting teams. If that $105 doesn’t look like a good deal yet, keep in mind how much anyone else attending the games has to pay to make it past the gates. We’re talking $50 a head, and season tickets come with even more financial obligation in the form of donations to the program.
We’re not saying that $105 isn’t a good chunk of change, but in return you receive a level of excitement and wonder unrivaled in Gainesville.
Also, we have a sneaking suspicion that many of the complaining students are entering the lottery in the hopes of scoring tickets to re-sell. If you’re whining because the increase is cutting into your profit margins, go hang your head in shame. We’ll wait. We understand the problems posed by having to leave town for a game weekend, but we endorse the basketball ticket system for that reason.
If you’re still not convinced that the money isn’t worth it, just don’t enter the lottery. With half of our student population crossing their fingers waiting for lottery results over the summer, removing your name from the contest will open a space for someone else. No matter what, the Swamp’s going to be at capacity come fall.