Before a flower-covered arch in Smathers Library, Juan and Casey joined hands on Monday afternoon and were married as valentines.
The minister, the Rev. Jim Merritt, asked the men if they were devoted to each other.
“Of course,” they said.
The two UF students were married as part of “Queerly Beloved,” the second annual event organized by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs, an organization within UF’s Multicultural and Diversity Affairs.
While the marriages performed were unofficial and symbolic, they represented students’ pledges to support equal marriage rights for both opposite- and same-sex partners.
Merritt, who performs similar ceremonies for same-sex couples through Trinity Metropolitan Community Church of Gainesville, said the event was important because it reaffirmed students’ support for marriage equality.
“Although these may not be official weddings, I think it’s great that students are committed,” he said. “It’s about exposing the students and giving them an opportunity to support equality for everybody.”
For UF freshman Deanna Parsons, the event showed that many students support LGBT rights.
“It’s great to be able to support…equal marriage for everyone in a literal way,” Parsons said. “It shows people that it’s okay. It’s accepted, and people will support them.”
The event included a display of LGBT resources available in UF libraries and a “curious” table for students with questions about gay rights and LGBT issues.
LGBT Affairs Senior Ambassador Lauren Foong said the organization included these resources to make the event more educational.
Students could also sign an online pledge to support equal marriage rights through or film themselves on video discussing gay rights issues for an LGBT Affairs project.
Students who married received a photo of their ceremony and a certificate announcing their union.