Laura Ellermeyer’s editorial in Tuesday’s paper highlights an important topic: the cost of waste. Perhaps a more appropriate title and discussion could have been “Reduce and Reuse First; Recycling Still Uses Resources.” It is true there are costs associated with recycling — fiscal and environmental. That is why the best action one can take is trying to consume less. This helps reduce the amount of resources used to mine and create the products in the first place, as well as avoids the added resource use associated with the process of recycling.
Instead of deciding between trash or recycling, use a reusable water bottle or coffee mug, bring your reusable bags to the grocery store and vote with your dollar by purchasing goods that have less packaging. Every individual has the power to choose to reuse.
This spring, the Office of Sustainability is hosting Rethink — a campaign to engage, educate and empower Gators to consider waste in its many forms and the ways they can REduce, REuse, REcycle, REpurpose, REnew, REstore and REspond in their own lives. The Office of Sustainability will be hosting a number of events and promoting a number of new initiatives on campus to help students, staff and faculty stop and REthink waste like coffee cups and sleeves, plastic bags, water bottles and even energy waste. Stay tuned for details on numerous sustainability-related events and opportunities on campus and in the community through April 22. For more information on the campaign and events, visit, or follow Sustainable UF on Facebook to learn howto get involved on campus.
Editor's note: This letter refers to this column.