I was really glad to see the Ben Meyers column in Wednesday’s paper. I believe it helped remind the student body that despite the Board of Trustees delaying block tuition, it still has an imminent deadline. Logically, this topic should have generated a larger reaction than it has in the past few months. However, when I talk to my friends and fellow students about block tuition, what I find is that they just don’t know all the details regarding it. At the same time, I can’t blame them, as the administration has been equally vague in disclosing various aspects concerning the issue.
With the majority of the students in the dark, the administration has the ability to push forward a policy that will affect many of us, and by the time we realize it, it might be too late for anyone to do anything. I hate sounding like someone prophesying the end of days, but as a student I realize that if block tuition is implemented, our college experience will be drastically altered.
I believe that the indifference surrounding block tuition largely stems from the ignorance of the details. I would like to encourage all the students who value their college experience (and I really don’t mean partying and such) to learn about block tuition and more importantly form an opinion — even if differs from my own, an opinion is better than unawareness. A well-informed and educated student body is stronger than an ignorant one.
Editor's note: This letter refers to this column.