Students started partying early for Saturday's football game.
The line to get into the Gator Corner Dining Center Thursday night wound all the way out the door as students crammed into the dining hall for the Gator Bait Tailgate.
The party, hosted by Gator Dining, IRHA and Student Government, was held to celebrate the upcoming football season and give students the opportunity to get involved with some campus organizations.
Once inside, students circled the dining room, selecting classic tailgate treats such as chili, roasted chicken and foot-long hot dogs.
Gator Dining representatives handed out
noisemakers and orange and blue pompoms to take to the game on Saturday.
Party-goers also competed in a cornhole tournament for T-shirts and other prizes.
Freshman Chelsea Shartran came specifically for the Gator Bait Tailgating event.
"I heard a couple of things about the food and prizes," Chelsea said. "I played cornhole, and I didn't make it in."
She said she was given a T-shirt anyway.
The SG Orange and Blue Cabinet had a table to answer students' questions about organizations such as the Freshman Leadership Council and to allow students to sign up for the cabinet's e-mail list.
"We want to make information about these opportunities available," said Billy Vranish, Orange and Blue Cabinet director. "We want to get people to get online and sign up, and tell people where our $16 million budget goes. Freshmen pay for activities funds and ask where it goes. It goes here, and to other events like this."