Editor’s Note: This is just a sample of the many communities of faith around Gainesville.
Baptist Collegiate Ministries
This is a group devoted to helping “the collegiates become fully mature followers of Jesus.” It is the campus ministry of the Florida Baptist Convention. The group is not a club, and there are no membership fees that need to be paid. Instead, people who want to be involved can just show up to various events. The group’s weekly gathering is called Gator, and it features live worship music and teachings from local pastors. It takes place every Tuesday at 8 p.m. Those interested in the ministries can learn more about it at ufbcm.org.
Reformed University Fellowship
This is a Presbyterian student group that meets on campus. The mission of the group, according to Charles “Buddy” Valenti, is to introduce new students to the teachings of Christ and also to strengthen Christians who are already believers. The group has a weekly large-group meeting at the MSB Auditorium every Tuesday at 7:30 p.m., which is a “time of singing and prayer,” Valenti said. The pastor, Steve Lammers, also gives a message at the meetings each week. After the message there is time for fellowship where people can meet and greet one another. The group also has small Bible-study groups. To find out more about RUF, Valenti urges students to join the Facebook group, RUF at UF, or go to rufgators.com.
Krishna House
This is a house across the street from campus that is the source of the ever-popular Krishna Lunch. Hare Krishnas are a non-fundamentalist group that wants to educate students about the importance of spirituality in life. The group teaches scriptures from the Bhagavad Gita, or “Song of God.” Aside from the lunches, both the Krishna House and the Bhakti Yoga Student Association, an on-campus Hare Krishna organization, will put together monthly meditation workshops and raw food-cooking classes. However, it is yet to be determined where these will be held, according to Sagar Kumar, the Bhakti Yoga president. To get involved or find out more, e-mail bhaktiyoga.uf@gmail.com or srkmr1@gmail.com.
Islam On Campus
This is an Islamic UF student group. “We aim to education the UF community about Islam and also to provide a safe and comforting environment for Muslims on campus,” said Ismail Ibn Ali, president of the group. The meeting locations vary, and there are no set dates. The group also puts together lecture events, game nights, bowling, rock climbing, social events and an annual Fast-a-Thon, which will take place this year on Sept. 27. To keep up to date on when the group meets, you can sign up for the group’s listserv or find Islam on Campus on Facebook, Twitter or at islamoncampus.com. Also, you can visit the group’s office in the Reitz Union, Room 324 or call 352-273-4435.
Hillel Jewish Center
This is situated across the street from the UF campus on University Avenue. Hillel works to provide ways to fill the social, educational, cultural and spiritual needs of Jewish students. Every Friday night the Hillel hosts a service and a free Shabbat dinner. During fall, they will have a variety of classes and programs, but the dates and times are yet to be determined. Another program still in planning is Torah on Tap, which will feature pizza and — for those of drinking age — beer. To find out more, sign up for Hillel’s newsletter at ufhillel.org or call 352-372-2900.
Campus Crusade For Christ (CRU)
This is a movement of students whose mission is “Turning lost students into Christ-centered laborers,” according to its website. The CRU meetings are Thursdays at 8:30 p.m. Another function of the CRU is the small groups, where people study the Bible and meet new people. The Campus Crusade for Christ is open to all students. To learn more, visit ufcampuscrusade.com.