Senators were all about the money during Tuesday night's meeting.
Kaitlyn Rogers, an intern with the Student Health Care Center, gave a presentation about the benefits of allowing students to use private health insurance at the SHCC, which will be accepted beginning in the fall.
She told the Senate that students have asked SHCC administrators to accept their private insurance for years.
Currently, the center only accepts UF insurance or cash.
"We're kind of piggy-backing off of how [other Florida universities have] done it," Rogers said.
Because the center will now accept private insurance, students will no longer have to persuade their personal - or parents' - insurance companies to reimburse them because the companies will be billed directly, Rogers said.
Students who wish to keep their affairs private will still have the opportunity to pay out-of-pocket. The university insurance plan will still be available for students to purchase, she said. Rogers said she hopes this new policy will prevent students from having to go off campus for health care.
"We do think it's such a positive thing, and we really want them to use the resources here at UF that are provided for them," she said.
Senators also allocated more than $1,400 to student organizations, including the Outreach Ambassadors Program, Quidditch at UF and Gator Freethought. The money was approved to pay for the organizations' equipment, supplies and advertising.
Lastly, senators voted unanimously to move the spring 2012 SG elections from Feb. 28 to 29 to Feb. 21 to 22, due to a conflict with Spring Break.