I would like to compliment the Animal Activists of Alachua (AAA) for once again hosting a successful VegFest event (“500 Try Vegan Pizza, Ice Cream at VegFest,” Thursday).
Through actions such as distributing food on the Plaza of the Americas and greeting attendees when PETA Vice President Bruce Friedrich spoke at UF earlier this semester, AAA has established a reputation for politely educating people about how a vegan diet benefits human health, the environment and, of course, animals. By choosing vegan pizza or ice cream (or the delicious Hare Krishna Lunch option of the day) instead of meat, eggs or dairy products, UF students are taking a stance against the egregious cruelty that animals face on factory farms and in slaughterhouses. Chickens, for example, have their beaks cut off with hot blades, and most of them have their throats cut while they’re still fully conscious. If this kind of abuse were inflicted on the dogs or cats we share our homes with, it would result in felony cruelty-to-animals charges.
However, thanks to the efforts of student groups such as AAA, EnVeg and compassionate UF students from all walks of life, it’s never been easier to choose a healthy and humane vegan option at every meal.