A gentleman is as gentle as the woman he wishes to impress or pursue. When we see chivalry as a long-forgotten, dusty corpse, it means that somewhere inside we have murdered it. The problem with our generation is not that we don’t know how to court, but that women have forgotten how to be women and men have become utterly confused as a result.
The independent-woman syndrome has become a worldwide phenomenon and so has filing for divorce within three months of jumping the broom. It has quickly transformed from a means of supporting a single-parent family to showing these men who the real boss is. I cringe at the idea of a relationship being destroyed by a woman’s insistence to pay the Red Lobster bill when her date is willing and able. I am by no means on the men’s side, but how do you force the horse to drink from the well when it’s already toting a water bottle?
To the ladies: A successful, intelligent, sophisticated woman is still, by nature, a woman — not he weaker and incapacitated sex, but the more delicate side of creation. It becomes a problem when these women begin to feel that their equality with men must be powerfully demonstrated. If a man is given the opportunity to approach you without feeling the need to buy out the bar — because at some point you listed all of your most credible accomplishments and then some — he might just abandon his “playa” tactics and step up to a real woman. In relationships, whenever we, women, feel the need to prove ourselves and be independent all the time, it often backfires, leaving us lonely with a hundred cats. Let the man express how much he cares through his actions and learn to appreciate the fact that just because we’re created with physical uniqueness does not mean that we are lesser or better. Let a man be a man. And if you’re a real woman, you’ll know exactly what that is. It’s time we stop trying to kill chivalry rather than embrace it.