UF students are being asked to share their feelings about coming out without fear of judgment. All they need is a postage stamp.
The OUT Project, which began in January, asks students to anonymously share their thoughts — in the form of a post card — about coming out to their friends and family.
The UF Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Affairs will be tabling from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. for the upcoming two weeks.
The project will promote the office’s yearlong art project on the Reitz Union Colonnade.
The steps for the project are simple: be brief, be legible and be creative.
“A lot of people think you come out, and it’s a one-time thing. But there’s a whole lot more that goes into it,” said Steven Sweat, a graduate assistant at the UF’s Office of Multicultural and Diversity Affairs. “It’s a process.”
Sweat said he thinks the project, inspired by PostSecret, allows people to come together and share feelings in an open and safe way.
Those who are not lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender but are supporters of the LGBT community, commonly known as allies, are also encouraged to share their feelings about others coming out to them, Sweat said.
Alex Jones, who came out to his friends last year, believes the project benefits people who have not come out about their sexuality.
“I know that it feels like no one else is in their situation, and I think it will help them feel less alone by seeing other people’s stories,” he said.
The final event of the OUT Project will be during the week of National Coming Out Day, Oct. 11, to showcase all the postcards in the Reitz Union gallery.