Philanthropies are a chance for the Greek community as a whole, and the houses individually, to provide charitable service to their communities through the power of collective action. It’s hard to believe that such an altruistic goal could be smeared or tarnished, yet recent commentary in the Alligator has proved otherwise.
In a letter to the editor earlier this week, someone made the comment that Greeks wouldn’t continue to host philanthropies if the University didn’t make them. However, the entire Greek community would say quite the opposite. Seeing as this comment was made rather ignorantly by an outsider to the Greek community looking in, allow us to illuminate the details. Yes, there are required Greek standards that must be met yearly, including an initiative to host a charitable event. However, nothing in the range of the magnitude, time, effort, or dedication is required that each house puts in to their philanthropies. The Greek system goes above and beyond its calling to help the community with each philanthropic event, collectively raising hundreds of thousands of dollars a year to go toward charitable foundations.
Another bit of naiveté crept amongst the editorial page of the Alligator on Tuesday, when the editorial board accused Beta Theta Pi’s philanthropy of being egotistical. Just because invoking sorority pride in a competitive fashion is an effective means of garnering participation and raising donations does not mean that an event is egotistical. We at Delta Upsilon, instead, applaud Beta Theta Pi for their efforts and fundraising.
For the naysayers, we would ask, what have you done for your community recently? Sure, the Alligator has given some elementary students some excellent oral sex tips. But let’s not demean true philanthropic achievement.
Delta Upsilon will be hosting its annual philanthropy, DU Got Talent?, March 18 at Skyy Night Club. The philanthropy is a talent show for all student groups, and all proceeds and donations will go to the Boys and Girls Club of Gainesville. For more information, or to enter a contestant group, please contact the Delta Upsilon philanthropy chair at