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Thursday, September 19, 2024

We know none of you have read anything this week — we realize the Winter Olympics are far more entertaining than any letter to the editor we have to offer — but please pull your attention away from Shaun White and friends for just a second so we can present you with this week’s after-all-one-of-our-columnists-did-talk-about-curling-for-a-little-bit edition of Darts & Laurels

Because we had to burrow through 3 feet of Student Government campaign fliers to get to the office.

Speaking of campaign fliers, the Editorial Board would like to note that Wednesday’s swastika fliers are incredibly insensitive and unacceptable. We don’t know who distributed them, and we don’t expect we ever will. But we’re mustering up all the disappointment we can express on our faces, looking down our noses and dropping a you-should-have-known-better DART at whoever made the fliers.

On the other hand, we do have one nice thing to say about an SG official, though it was the result of a major pain in the Editorial Board’s ass.

Tuesday night, when a certain supervisor of elections with a nautical grudge was stonewalling our SG reporter, our commander-in-chief drove over to the Alligator office to deliver the ballot questions for the upcoming election.

Therefore, we’re sticking our tongues out at some members of SG and placing a necklace of we’re-glad-someone-over-there-is-doing-his-job LAURELS on Student Body President Jordan Johnson.

We’ll get back to our darting in a moment, but we do have one other laurel for this week.

After receiving pressure from activists to take action against child prostitution, Choice Hotels, which includes Comfort Inn, Quality Inn and EconoLodge, has pledged to prevent the crime in its hotels.

Now, Choice will train staff to recognize child prostitution and take steps to address it. For this, the Editorial Board is tossing a better-late-than-never LAUREL at Choice Hotels for doing something noble — though we still don’t get why they weren’t doing everything they could to prevent it in the first place.

Getting back to our list of rants, we’ve noticed recent attention to John Mayer for his Playboy interview, in which he managed to offend the black community, women and people in general.

Yea, we know his persistent foot-in-mouth syndrome had a particularly nasty flare-up, and we even wrote an editorial last week about verbal diarrhea in celebrities. But this is going a bit far. If you really think about any of his comments, they’re harmless. Aren’t there more important things to worry about? The Editorial Board thinks there are, and we’re flinging a leave-the-poor-guy-alone DART at the media in general.

Speaking of the media, we’re a little perplexed about the Pulitzer Board’s decision to make The National Enquirer eligible for a Pulitzer Prize.

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In a truly WTF moment, the Pulitzer Board is considering giving the Enquirer a prize for its work breaking the story of John Edwards’ affair. We admit it was some serious sleuthing, but we don’t think the tabloid deserves to be rewarded for sensationalizing a private problem. Still, we’re more surprised than anything else, so we’re kicking a we-don’t-know-if-we’re-more-angry-or-confused DART at the Pulitzer Board.

Last on our hit list is Texas Gov. Rick Perry. In an act of staggering hubris, he announced plans to sue the Environmental Protection Agency for its decision to regulate greenhouse gases as a pollutant.

Newsflash, buddy: The fact that you love your Hummer more than your wife doesn’t mean global warming isn’t real. But we suppose it makes sense. Ignorant climate skeptics will stop at nothing to make sure their cushy lifestyles don’t suffer, so The Editorial Board is hurling a no-one-is-buying-your-“if-we-ignore-it-it’ll-go-away”-garbage DART at Rick Perry.

That’s all for this week kids.

Go Team U.S.A!

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