Faux—er, Fox News announced today that Sarah Palin will be added to its list of on-air personalities, and the Editorial Board can’t decide whether to ask, “What the hell?” or nod knowingly.
Obnoxious accent aside, it’s hard to understand how any self-respecting Republican could look at Palin — whose intelligence level has been proven to be just above that of a pile of pencil shavings — without vomiting, much less listen to her.
But we suppose self-respecting Republicans aren’t really Fox’s target audience, anyway. There’s Bill O’Reilly, who verbally assaults anyone who doesn’t wholeheartedly agree with his irate ramblings — and sometimes those who do. There’s Glenn Beck, who refuses to consider that President Obama might not be a pro-fascism racist. And now, there’s Palin, who thinks she was sent directly from God to be John McCain’s failure of a running mate.
On the bright side, Palin’s appearances are sure to provide a hilarious alternative to that space where nothing good is on between “Criminal Minds” and “Intervention.” And we can’t wait for the reaction when she tells the mother of a 12-year-old girl that her daughter shouldn’t abort her rapist’s baby.
Either way, the decision is probably a good thing. Worst case, we’ll have fun watching Palin stare blankly when asked about anything besides wolf hunting and the great state of Alaska. Best case, she cracks under the humiliation and goes into hiding.
Fox has long had us suspecting the network is either research for Michael Moore’s biggest documentary ever or a cruel prank. But this latest move has us hoping Fox’s “fair and balanced” slogan means its humor is just too sophisticated for us to figure out.