I have been very upset lately by the people supposedly “evangelizing” on Turlington Plaza. As I listen to them screaming judgments and insults, it breaks my heart. I have been a Christian for a few years now and while I still have many questions, one thing I do know is that the basis of Christianity is love. “For God so loved the world...” (John 3:16). “And do everything in love...” (1 Corinthians 16:14). These people are in no way showing God’s love but are giving Christians a reputation of being hateful and self-righteous. I am here to say that what they are portraying is not Christianity! Whoever they claim to be witnesses of is not Jesus because their teachings are not rooted in love.
On behalf of them I am apologizing. Please don’t be deceived that Christians are malicious and hateful. Don’t misunderstand me, God does hate sin because he knows the damage it can cause in our lives, but please don’t think of this as another Christian cramming my beliefs down your throat. Salvation through faith in a God who loved us enough to send someone to die to take the punishment of the world so we don’t have to, that is the point.