When Flavia, a young girl living in Tanzania, was bitten by a rattlesnake, she had to have her leg amputated above the knee.
Last year, five members of HOPE, a UF organization that raises money for a medical clinic in Tanzania, visited the clinic and met the young girl.
The members of HOPE spent eight weeks working at the clinic, during which Flavia received a prosthetic leg.
HOPE raised more than $500 for her, and in the spring the organization helped to provide her with the new limb.
HOPE will be holding its third annual dodgeball tournament at Flavet Field Thursday to raise money for the medical clinic in Tanzania.
The tournament will start at 11 a.m. and last until about 3 p.m., said Joshua Wu, president of the organization.
Teams may have up to seven players, and the cost to participate is $5 per player.
Wu said the money raised will be sent to pay for medical supplies and other equipment.
The club is partnering with African Inland Mission to host the tournament and raise funds, he said.
About 12 teams played in the tournament in 2008, and the organization is looking to have about 16 teams register this year.
Over the past two years, HOPE has raised more than $3,000 to send to Tanzania.
“By focusing on one clinic in one community, we hope to see with our own eyes and touch with our own hands those Tanzanians who our money and time are saving,” Wu said.