I’m writing in regards to Tuesday’s editorial, “Cruel Courts.” While I agree that the judicial system should rethink how it tries teens for certain crimes, I was shocked that you defended the three teens charged as adults for lighting another on fire.
The whole argument is that life sentences are cruel and unusual for non-homicide crimes. How is lighting someone on fire not homicide-related? This wasn’t a fight that got out of hand and went too far
These guys planned out an attack with intent. They sought out their victim. They brought the alcohol and matches. One of them poured the rubbing alcohol on the victim and another lit the match and threw it on him.
There was plenty of opportunity for someone’s conscience to kick in. And do you honestly believe that in just two or three more years these guys would know better? Or would they then be beyond rehabilitation?
Maybe your Editorial Board needs some “serious psychological rehabilitation” because any 15-year-old knows what’s wrong with that.