In response to Tuesday’s letter to the editor “Republicans aren’t too conservative,” Ms. Kilic really drops the ball. She says Mr. Christ “attempts to pigeonhole” Republicans by claiming that they are all “‘Bible-thumping,’ overzealous patriots.” She further claims that Republicans are hurting for straying from party principles. Well, what are those principles? What goals does the Republican party have? Banning abortion? Keeping gays out of the military? Making sure that Obama fails, no matter what he is doing?
Let’s imagine a fantasy world where Republicans only care about conservative values: They would fight to end Medicare, Social Security, welfare, minimum wage, Bright Futures and the public school system in general. All public spending is pork, so forget about the government building and maintaining roads. To top it off, they wouldn’t care one way or another about abortion or rights for gays.
So please, Ms. Kilic, let’s not kid ourselves. Perhaps 40 percent of Americans think they’re conservative, but how many do you think would support a Republican Party that was actually conservative?