I wonder how Don Kershaw expects the libraries to regulate incoming users. Should everyone enter single-file while some hapless student worker swipes IDs and holds up the line writing down identifying information of those without a coveted Gator 1 Card?
As the wife of a student, I have limited access to the university's resources, but the access I do have is invaluable to me in my own online graduate coursework. I am sure many members of the public are equally grateful for what access they do have, as the university has more funding and can provide a variety of quality resources.
The reason you probably don't hear about more incidents like these is because these are isolated incidents. I have seen more students on cell phones in quiet study areas than public masturbators.
As for taking a stand against these incidents, the Alligator reported yesterday that Schulz, the man who threatened students with hot coffee, has been banned for three years.
That is a pretty strong stance, don't you think?