In response to Frederic Spieler’s letter, “Republicans aren’t actually conservative,” Spieler asks what the conservative principles are. I would like to try to answer that. Conservatism operates off the ideas of personal freedom, limited government interference in the daily lives of its citizens and a strong capitalist society. It also stands for fiscal responsibility and strong national defense. The government shouldn’t help those who aren’t willing to help themselves. Sorry to bust your ideological bubble, but there are people who, no matter how much help you give them, will continue to be self-destructive, make bad decisions and contribute nothing to society. They should not be given a free ride on everyone else’s dollar.
As far as Obama failing, it is not so much a desire for the man himself to fail, but rather a desire for all the ideology present within him to fail. What ideology you ask? Rampant government spending, redistribution of wealth, unwarranted taxation, government restrictions on constitutional rights and a mentality that the freest and most generous nation on Earth owes every other country an apology.
So please, Mr Spieler, avoid gross generalizations. For every conservative you point out who feels we should end Medicare and highway spending, I can point out a liberal who feels we should have full governmental control of the private sector and wishes to institute communism.