The Berlin Wall came tumbling down again Monday afternoon.
Members of the College Republicans constructed and tore down a Berlin Wall replica on the Plaza of the Americas to commemorate the 20th anniversary of its fall.
The wall consisted of 36 cardboard boxes spray-painted with graffiti words like "Communism" and "Marxism."
"These are the things that we're out here trying to crush, trying to bring down," said Johnathan Lott, vice chairman for the College Republicans.
As members of the organization put together the wall, others manned a table filled with literature about the club and the Young America's Foundation, a conservative youth organization.
Bryan Griffin, the club's president, recited former President Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down this Wall" speech to a crowd of about 30 who gathered between fifth and sixth periods.
After he finished, Griffin explained the symbolic purpose of the replica and encouraged the crowd to join him in tearing it down.
"I made a request of people to be vigilant in watching for the construction of another Berlin Wall or walls of sort that impede democracy in the world and even our own country," Griffin said.
Members of the crowd rushed forward and pushed the boxes to the ground while everyone else cheered and clapped.
"It's not so much about the wall itself," Lott said. "It's more about the symbolism behind what we're doing."
Lott said that the replica of the wall represented the oppression and restoration of liberties for the people of East Germany and the importance in continuing to fight for liberty everywhere.
Griffin said he was pleased with the crowd who supported the College Republicans and participated in the commemoration.
"If it stuck and made a difference in one person, then I think it served our purpose," he said.