On Wednesday, The New York Times ran an article about prepaid cards and the large amount of fees they charge. Like credit cards, these cards have consumers agree to certain terms by simply using the card.
So, when consumers are charged fees mentioned in the terms they didn't read, they complain and refuse to pay the fees. They seem to forget that they agreed to pay those fees when they used the card.
It is always easier to lay the blame on someone else. Why? Why can't people take responsibility? It's the "let me get away with it" attitude that is becoming increasingly common.
It's not only with banks and fees; it can be seen with people who claim eating fast food caused them to gain weight and sue the fast food chains as a result. It can be seen with the people who plead not guilty to charges they are guilty of.
It can even be found locally. I can't begin to count how many people I've heard of who broke traffic laws, were caught and appealed. If you broke the traffic laws and got caught, why can't you accept the penalty for breaking the law and move on? Because it's easier to lay the blame on someone else and avoid the penalties.
It's a dangerous new epidemic of irresponsibility, and it's infecting more people every day.