Friday's Alligator contained a four-paragraph diatribe concerning the distribution of "I Voted" stickers during Student Government elections. How can one be so petty? We have students trying to ensure the safety of the community, to save language programs and to allocate money to student groups, and you go after stickers? Those of us in Greek houses know that it is not "coercion" that goes on, but rather encouragement to vote in SG elections. With such a small percentage of students voting in these elections, it is shameful that you resent Greek participation. Sen. Gary Benedix, you seem pleased with yourself that you "have it all figured out."
Sure, the Unite Party has meetings with representatives ranging from Greek houses to the Black Student Union to the Hispanic Student Union to the average student. However, what you see as corruption is actually effective political organizing and the most diverse coalition on campus. Stickers and wasteful spending are not what is really going on here. Simply, they are just the next talking points in the childish blame game you all like to play. Stick to real issues and lay off the conspiracy theories.