I know the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program is flawed, but under no circumstances should it become an entirely need-based program. What Kyle Robisch fails to realize is that basically all of the scholarships available for Florida students are need-based. I worked extremely hard in high school, and it paid off in the form of an extremely high SAT score, a 4.3 GPA, passing five out of six AP exams and becoming a sports captain. However, when it came to scholarships, I received a measly $500 after applying for about 20. The vast majority of scholarships have a need-based component. I don't see how my parent's salary has anything to do with how much I achieved in high school. If we make everything need-based, it will discourage students from doing well in school and push them to attend schools that are less scholastically renowned.
Had I not gotten 100 percent Florida Brights, I probably would have ended up at Florida State University or the University of Central Florida, because they offer thousands of dollars to well qualified students. The state should make it more difficult for students to receive 75 percent, not punish those who worked hard and deserve to be rewarded.