The UF Student Senate passed a bill Tuesday opposing the resolution proposed by President Bernie Machen to implement changes that will affect liquor licensing during the annual UF-Georgia game in Jacksonville.
"Most people don't want Bernie Machen telling them what to do," Sen. Alan Yanuck said.
Acting Progressive Party President Nick Mildebrath told the Senate he has been petitioning for the bill at The Pita Pit.
Other senators have petitioned, as well.
"Student Government has not done a strong job advocating for students," Sen. Jonathan Ossip said."I'm glad this year we were able to take a stance."
The Senate will send a copy of the bill to Machen, Vice President of Student Affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin and the University of Georgia Student Government Association president.
Much debate at the meeting surrounded a bill that proposed changes to online availability of SG records, such as cabinet members' applications and resumes, which can currently only be accessed by SG officials.
The bill, a reworking of a past bill that would have given access to all students, would adjust online availability of SG records to incorporate all SG senators. "We were being over cautious," said Mildebrath, who said he supports access for all UF students."But we realize that's not necessary."
But some senators are still pushing for universal access for UF students.
Yanuck said that keeping UF students from accessing the online applications and resumes is against a Student Body statute.
"If we [deny universal access], anyone can sue the university," Yanuck said.
But Judiciary Chair Ashton Charles said it would be within SG law and more beneficial if the system changed to include all senators, not all UF students.
The bill was postponed for further discussion until next Tuesday's meeting.
The senate also addressed plans for the"Safe Gator" campaign, which will aim to prevent muggings and robberies in areas like College Park and Sorority Row.
SG is partnering with the University Police Department and Gainesville Police Department for the project, Press Secretary Eric Conrad announced.
Senate President Pro Tempore Suzanne Hersman said Senate President Audrey Goldman will be out sick and she will act as president until Goldman's return.
Mildebrath also announced during the meeting that the Progressive Party is now on Twitter and can be followed at ProgressUF.
"We're following that trend, as well," he said.