Starting this week, slackers won't even have to get dressed to catch up on missed lectures. was created by UF student Nick Gilboy as a cheaper, more convenient alternative to similar services Smokin' Notes and Einstein Notes.
The notes will cost $7 per section of testing material, which is less than half the cost of Smokin' Notes and Einstein's Notes. Students will be able to view the notes online or print them from the site, which will be updated daily.
"I think updating the site daily is a great idea. It would allow me to stay more on top of my class and really let me learn the material instead of memorizing it all the week before," said UF junior Julie Novac.
The site will include the class notes, textbook chapter summaries, flashcards, class announcements and practice tests.
"The Note Post is for all of us who want to save money on course notes and spend it on something else," said Gilboy,'s creative director and creator. "Like any student who has paid for notes, we knew we could bring you top quality notes, cheaper." is hiring note takers for Summer B. Interested students can visit the "jobs @ notepost" area of the Web site to apply.
Note takers earn a commission from sales of their class notes. That way, Gilboy said, note takers are motivated to go to their classes and pay attention.
"For any large class, it would be very easy for one of our note takers to make over $1,000 per semester," Gilboy said. "It's good money when you're being paid to be a good student."