I didn't know that I was lying to my child every time I said, "If you work hard enough, you can achieve anything."
She is graduating cum laude in chemistry and has been published in journals; she worked hard enough. I've learned that education is being doled out like sacraments to the over- and underprivileged. Middle America won't be given a swing in the game or even the courtesy of an interview for dental school.
Much like our leaders, our educators are selling their integrity to the highest bidders (nonresident tuition) and my children will pay the penalties. Starting with her great grandfather, she is is one of 13 in our family who are alumni of UF, all of whom are native Floridians. Where is The Gator Nation's loyalty now?
When you gave away the seat she earned in dental school to a nonalumnus, you betrayed her. This is the lasting lesson Genevieve Garris will take away from UF.