The last six complaints filed among parties during the Student Government elections campaign season were discussed in an hour-long Elections Commission meeting on Friday.
Frank Bracco, president of the Keg Party, and the Orange and Blue Party each filed three complaints.
Bracco filed two complaints against the Progress Party, but only one was voted to be a violation.
Elections Commission members fined the Progress Party $1 for failing to label a campaign picture displayed in its Facebook group as a registered political advertisement, a break from the $10 fines the party has received in the past.
"They've been fined enough," said Daniel Thompson, a member of the commission.
Another complaint claimed the Progress Party misrepresented itself through the use of a campaign poster featuring Lil Wayne and Barack Obama.
"We wanted to keep campaigning lighthearted," said Sen. Ben Dictor, the Progress Party's presidential candidate. "The Student Body is smart enough to realize this is a joke."
The Orange and Blue Party received its first violation of the election, also filed by Bracco. He said the party displayed two signs in Turlington Plaza, instead of the allotted one, a rule outlined in the 700 codes, a part of SG's constitution that outlines proper campaigning tactics to be followed during elections.
The Orange and Blue Party was given a warning and a public reprimand.
The last three complaints heard were filed by the Orange and Blue Party against the Unite Party, which received a warning and public reprimand for two of three violations.
The party cleared the third complaint, which involved Unite fliers stuck on top of Domino's Pizza boxes and delivered throughout Gainesville. One box ended up at an Orange and Blue Party meeting.
"Well, we're happy y'all got our pamphlet," said Unite Party President Will Harrell.
Cain Norris, an Orange and Blue Party member, argued campaign materials are not supposed to be distributed in bulk, but instead must be delivered hand-to-hand via party supporters.
Harrell asked if a pizza delivery employee could fit the definition of hand-to-hand delivery.
The Progress Party also had fliers handed out along with pizza orders through Five Star Pizza, according to Eric Conrad, the party's communication director. No complaint was filed.