For the first year, UF students and faculty will join millions across the country in the National Teach-In, an event geared toward spreading awareness about global warming and helping impact President Barack Obama's first 100 days in office.
The teach-in is being held today on the Reitz Union's north lawn from 10:30 a.m. to about 1:30 p.m. A webcast of environmental experts providing knowledge about global warming will be shown via various laptops at the event, according to event coordinator Dana Sabghir. Students will be encouraged to sign pledges to make global warming one of Obama's priorities, and the pledges will be sent to the U.S. Capitol, Sabghir said.
This year, the National Teach-In is focusing on four main policy recommendations, which include cutting the nation's carbon levels and creating millions of "green" jobs, according to the teach-in Web site.
The coordinators are unsure of how many people are planning to attend, said Alex Mourant, a coordinator for the National Teach-In. But they are anticipating attendance nationwide to be in the millions, he added.
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