Have you ever heard the words "journalism integrity" before? For the last two years I have watched the Alligator make a mockery out of journalism, but Thursday's story is just too much.
I've sat back and read your crass stories and viewed your questionable pictures, but what I found on your cover disturbed me the most. Why would you ever put a picture of a dead person in your paper, let alone on the cover?
Where are your ethics? What if that was your friend, brother or your mother? Would it then be too much?
If you grabbed a paper only to see your deceased loved one on the cover, would it then be too much?
Think about other people besides your bottom line and your writing staff. I'm not even a journalism major, but I understand common sense.
So do us all a favor, put on your big-boy-writing pants, grow up and stop going for pure shock value.
I understand that the Alligator is struggling this semester, but exploiting a corpse is not the way to fix it.