Despite commission candidate Robert Krames' attempts to attack our current city commissioner, Jeanna Mastrodicasa is not "out of touch."
She votes with interests of representing students and has stood up against bigotry in Gainesville.
Krames mislabeled her vote on the gender identity and expression addition to Gainesville's anti-discrimination clause as a "bathroom ordinance."
This ordinance bans discrimination based on gender expression, the same kind of protection originally afforded to women and blacks in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Banning discrimination means no business or public service can deny you service based on how you express your gender. Could you imagine if you were fired because you came in dressed too "femme" or "butch"? Neither could I. The ordinance is a common-sense reform that merely ensures equal treatment.
Gender identity and expression is already protected in 23 states, 80 cities and 230 major corporations. In fact, a majority of UF students voted to add this protection to the SG constitution in 2007.
While Mastrodicasa stands up to fearmongering, Krames is stuck to the same old politics, the tired rhetoric and the misleading arguments.