If Dean Early, the writer of Wednesday's guest column, were to replace "Christianity" in the title with "extreme Christianity," then his assertion might be true.
Early failed to realize that most of the UF student body is not anti-Christian, only anti-extreme-Christian, or against any other religious view that insults one's civil liberties.
The response was right: If you preach hate, then hate you will receive.
Thus, I am grateful the image appeared on the front page of the paper, as it captured the very essence of our annoyance with these extreme preachers.
Doing nothing but spreading hate and insult leads to these individuals making a laughing stock out of themselves.
Early mentions that, "Just because The Lord God calls homosexuality an abomination does not mean he hates the person, just the perversion. He still loves the person and that person's soul and has a better plan and life for them."
What's the plan? Hell.
Like George Carlin once said, "The Lord sends you to Hell, but he loves you."
And to argue that one's religion is right and someone else's beliefs are wrong is no better than saying my pants are better than your pants because they are mine.
If that is the case, then we should all just keep our pants on.