The Editorial Board knows we aren't perfect - look around hard enough and you're bound to come across some minute error somewhere within our pages. But, unlike the outgoing president, when we admit our faults we would like to think we own up to them. Eight long years and you're halfway there, George.
If only you could've had your suits outfitted with a dry-erase board to constantly update the nation with a running list of corrections. We'll be sure to bring up the idea again the next time a Republican takes office (don't hold your breath).
At the very least our proposal could launch a whole line of Dubya Halloween costumes a la Flavor Flav's oversized hanging clock.
Dare we say post-presidency pet project?
The Editorial Board must admit a small smile crept upon our faces when, at your final news conference of your, cough, illustrious presidential career, you offered the media a bit of truth about some of your decisions.
We really do want to offer you a heartfelt thanks for at least alluding to the fact that you are leaving office in the midst of a major recession. Nice touch admitting the lack of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was a "disappointment" and conceding that giving a speech under a banner proclaiming "Mission Accomplished" was a bit of a misstep.
Did we forget anything?
George, don't fault us for shedding a tear or two come next Tuesday - but at least we'll own up to the fact that we're crying for the other guy.