Think back to when you applied to college. There were piles of applications and many opportunities to go to other schools, but each of us chose to come to UF.
I chose to become a Gator after visiting the campus and hearing about the openness and diversity of UF. I felt like I belonged.
With the recent budget cuts, I question our university's dedication to that vision.
Last Wednesday, more than 60 students representing various organizations, including Asian-American Student Union, Black Student Union and Student Government, rallied at Dauer Hall to show their support for the Vietnamese and Korean language programs.
The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences' layoffs eliminate these language programs completely. Andrea Pham, a tenure-track professor, is the sole Vietnamese professor. Losing her is losing the program, and students are not happy. Both Vietnamese-American students and non-heritage students enjoy the class.
All Vietnamese classes this semester are over the cap, and registration for next semester is already full.
Many students, including me, are taking Vietnamese now, as it may very well be the last chance we get.
I would like to thank the CLAS faculty for voting to reinstate our professors and lecturers.
Kudos to the Alligator for documenting our efforts.
To the administration, please don't take away these programs. It's more than a dollar sign. It's our language, our heritage and our culture.
Think back when you came to UF and ask yourself, is this diversity?