Taking a cue from the city of Gainesville, the Alachua County Department of Public Safety will be switching to a four-day, 10-hour a day workweek beginning Monday.
Carol Davis, spokeswoman for the department, said by cutting Friday hours and extending the length of the workday, the department would conserve energy and save money in utilities.
Employees will continue to work a 40-hour workweek by opening the office at 7:30 a.m. and closing at 5:30 p.m.
The department, which is composed of Public Safety Headquarters and Emergency Operations Center, handles financial and administration matters for the countywide emergency services.
The shortened workweek will not affect fire or medical services that operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
The department is following suit of the city of Gainesville, which launched a four-day workweek Sept. 29.
The city anticipates $90,000 in savings this year because of the cut in electricity.
Bob Woods, city spokesman, said the changes were made with minor disruptions.