For some students who registered to vote with a nonpartisan group on campus, the election isn't over.
UF's Student Public Interest Research Groups, or PIRGs, is working with elections officials after 10 or 12 students who tried to register with the group's New Voters Project did not show up on county records, Alachua County Supervisor of Elections Pam Carpenter said.
Some were required to vote using provisional ballots, giving them until 5 p.m. today to clear up any issues.
Student PIRGs members don't know what went wrong with the registration forms.
"As far as we know, we submitted the forms," said R.J. Raley, Student PIRGs' Florida campus organizer.
Sujatha Jahagirdar, program director with Student PIRGs' New Voters Project, said the problem was discovered when some students called to check on their voter status and were informed they were not registered.
Once the calls began, she said the group started to contact those students who would potentially have a problem at the polls.
"There was a batch that the first calls had come from," she said. "Those students had registered on the third of October."
All those who had registered through the organization on Oct. 3 were contacted by phone or e-mail with warnings stating they may have trouble voting, she said.
Raley said students who had tried to change their addresses with the group were able to do so at the polls, but those who registered for the first time had to vote on provisional ballots.
He said 2,500 other students had been successfully registered through the New Voters Project.
"The whole purpose of what we do is to make sure students have a voice in politics," he said.