Santa Fe College students and staff will soon be able to go bargain hunting between classes.
The college will hold a grand opening for its new on-campus thrift store Monday.
Located in Room D121, Saints Share Wear will be open to SFC students and staff. It will offer men's, women's and children's clothing, shoes and accessories for $1 an item.
Debi McElroy, chairwoman of the store's five-person committee, said she got the idea for the store after talking to SFC Provost Anne Kress.
"She was saying how she had so many clothes that she needed to get rid of," McElroy said.
After Kress brought the idea to SFC President Jackson Sasser, the committee decided profits should go toward services for staff workers at the college.
Some of the money will go to book scholarships, some will go to students in financial trouble, and the rest will go to a twice-yearly picnic in the employees' honor, McElroy said.
McElroy said the store committee funded the entire project.
"We have had donations of hangers and bookcases, and I bought racks that we are having installed," she said. "It has been no cost to the college at all."
The store will be open on Wednesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.