While we have not seen the impact of Gator Watch, as someone who has worked the safety zone, I have seen the benefits this program provides for students.
There are fewer than 50 staff members in The Jacksonville Landing trying to assist thousands of students. The staff walks around the Landing, but the safety zone has set locations.
If people are in trouble, they can go on their own or friends can bring them.
The Editorial Board made the assumption that because one student was not able to get assistance, the program is not effective. What about the student I ran into last year who thanked us for saving his life because he needed medical assistance? What about the hundreds of students who use the safety zone to charge their phones, find friends and get rest, water, directions or medical attention?
"Some program" is absolutely right; it's a great program.
There is not enough staff at UF to help everyone on game day. The best way to keep everyone safe is for us to take care of each other.