It is not my intention to belittle anyone who uses our free speech zones regardless of whether they are preaching, campaigning or whatever.
I was, however, extremely unsettled by allegations made by one gentleman on Turlington Plaza this past Thursday.
The argument being presented was that, because Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin perpetrated horrible atrocities and explained themselves according to the work of Charles Darwin, the works of Darwin must logically have been evil and against the will of God.
I can't speak on the behalf of God or anyone but myself, but Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" said nothing about murder of innocents. I also think it's worth mentioning that Einstein, Newton and Darwin himself were by no means atheists.
The concept of survival of the fittest has been bastardized into something it was never meant to represent. Darwin's work proposed a mechanism for the observable tendency of creatures to evolve over time, not spontaneously or overnight.
This does not mean "inferior races" should be killed off or subjugated. It means variations that improve a creature's ability to survive persist genetically in the descendents of those creatures in which it occurs.
Hitler was debatably the truest incarnation of evil and hatred this world has seen in generations. He was granted the intelligence and charisma that allowed him to accomplish the things he set out to a terrifying extent.
The fact that he rationalized his illogical and irrational violence with science does not nullify the accuracy of the science; it only goes to show the man was that sick.