Album review: Eagles of Death Metal - "Heart On"
Frontman Jesse Hughes knows he will always be overshadowed by best bud Josh Homme. The guy is 6'4" slouching, the reigning god of metal via day job Queens of the Stone Age, and is the unassuming, because-that's-what-friends-are-for drummer in Hughes' band Eagles of Death Metal. On "Heart On" (how quaint), Hughes tells us once and for all that he's not interested in respect. More swaggering riff-rock served on a bed of sleaze, these tunes celebrate the virtues of cheap thrills and tight pants. "Anything 'Cept the Truth" and "Secret Plans" effortlessly groove on death metal trademarks: skuzzy guitar, falsetto and sex. Obviously life is good when you're in tight with the king of Queens. Hughes is happy to play court jester.