While some may argue the terms "pro-life" and "pro-choice" are equally poor choices in rhetoric for how they describe abortion, I would like to go straight to the heart of the debate and shed some light as to why one expression makes more sense than the other. Abortion is about life and the value of it. While the issue certainly has social, economic and ethical components, none of this matters if a fetus is considered a life.
We need to look at the scientific evidence we have and work together to find compromise. When does a heartbeat begin? When does the brain start functioning? When is the point of viability? These are all questions that have answers and can be used to help guide our decisions.
In the end, we must find a new policy for abortion that provides a conservative estimation of when life begins. Once this is achieved, there will no longer be a debate over jargon because the term pro-life will apply to everyone.