Every day on my way to work, I pass the graffiti wall on Southwest 34th Street.
I love to see a place where people can freely express themselves through words, artwork and birthday greetings.
It makes me absolutely livid to see a certain part of this wall vandalized and utterly disrespected. I am talking about the "Remember" portion of the wall. This portion was created in memory of those who died in the 1990 Danny Rolling murders.
It is supposed to help this town remember and respect the victims and the family members who are alive without them.
To those of you who choose to be heartless and use this portion of the wall to write your names, words or crude remarks: How dare you?
You should be ashamed of yourselves. Have you ever heard of common courtesy?
You have the rest of the wall to make your statements. I don't believe the word "vandalize" is written across the wall or "please be inconsiderate; insert vulgarity or idiocy here." It's mean and should not be tolerated.
Freedom of speech should not make you feel you have the right to be tasteless.
I hope you read this and think about what you're doing.
To those of you who go out of your way to clean up these horrible gestures, I commend you.