Hurricane Gustav has passed with, thankfully, little damage, allowing Republicans to drop all pretenses of bipartisanship and launch into what, in my mind, is the nastiest convention in recent history.
Wednesday, we had the pleasure of watching Gov. Mitt Romney, Gov. Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and Gov. Sarah Palin. One theme was consistent: bitterness.
All four speeches were full of personal attacks and cheap shots that elicited rounds of laughter from the audience.
As a Clinton supporter, I am not particularly fond of Sen. Barack Obama, but if Palin was supposed to win me over, she failed miserably.
The Democratic National Convention focused on the failings of the Republican Party.
The Republicans, faced with their abysmal record of the past eight years, responded by returning to their favorite tactic: fear.
Fear of liberals, fear of terrorist attacks, fear of big government, fear of big-city elites and fear of tax hikes.
Palin's speech was nothing more than snide remarks and mean-spirited jokes.
Notably absent was anything of substance, perhaps because she has no substantive experience or policy beliefs.