One day away from the seventh anniversary of Sept. 11, Americans are still preparing themselves for the possibility of another terrorist attack.
We've heard about a seemingly endless slew of new regulations and safety codes the government has passed to protect our national well-being, but there are still some practices that you may not have read about. We haven't, at least.
Apparently, after the attacks, the Department of Homeland Security mandated that trauma surgeons, nurses and EMTs be more adequately prepared to handle an emergency situation. Here at UF, this emergency training is coming in the form of a video game that puts response workers in the middle of a catastrophic event, and the objective is to save as many lives as possible.
To this idea, we Tiger-Woods-fist-pump our approval.
We love playing Grand Theft Auto.
The only thing we'd rather do is play Grand Theft Auto in reverse.
Frankly, we're sick of blowing things up and hurting people and stealing their cars. Let the game do all that nonsense.
Give us our stethoscopes so we can go back to playing the good guy like we did when we were still addicted to the original Super Mario. Hell, we'll even scrub up first if we'll get bonus points.
Seriously, we emphatically approve this new training method as long as it gets positive results.
Not because the game sounds fun but because we're all for any kind of practice that will help save American lives.