Editors of the Alligator, your blasting of former Gator Andrew Meyer was both childish and highly hypocritical. You belittle Meyer for using the non-swear term "blowjob" in a reference to former President Bill Clinton's infidelity and support Accent for cutting his microphone. However, later in the same article you refer to Meyer's actions as "douchebaggery," another offensive term on the same level as Meyer's tame "blowjob."
You refer to Meyer as "some brat," who did not wear "his big-boy pants to the forum." If this is what passes for journalism in your paper, you obviously need to spend time reading real newspapers. Meyer's microphone was cut off, and he was tackled by police despite Sen. John Kerry's agreement to continue the conversation. This clearly constitutes infringement of Meyer's freedom of speech.
Finally, I want to point out that while police officers do a great job most of the time, they are not above the laws they protect, nor should we accept their actions "because they're police," as I'm often told by those trying to attack Meyer.
Next time you plan on belittling a former UF student in print, please keep the hypocrisy to a minimum and try to write as adults.