The Gator Party released its platform Thursday, featuring plans to improve UF's environmental efforts and student representation and safety.
Other initiatives deal with lobbying on behalf of students to protect the Bright Futures Scholarship Program and streaming live video of Student Senate meetings.
Another platform point is posting a crossing guard at the crosswalks outside the Reitz Union and Hume Hall on Museum Road, according to the party's release.
"We've always tried to develop our platform as serving the interests of the students," said Michael Hoffman, Gator Party spokesman.
Hoffman said two hot topics will likely be student representation and environmental consciousness, but he could not label certain platform points as more important.
"Each and every one is sort of our collective baby," Hoffman said.
The platform points include having input in the upcoming expansion of the Reitz Union, such as adding a dry cleaner and a video rental store.
The Gator Party also plans to back "soft closings," which would require bars in downtown Gainesville to remain open after they stop serving alcohol. Hoffman said this would give patrons a chance to sober up before heading home.
The party also plans to make campus more bicyclist-friendly and set up a sports kiosk, which would include equipment that students could rent with a Gator 1 Card, such as Frisbees, Hoffman said.
"Our big thing, our slogan, is tangible results," he said. "Physical things that people can point to and say, 'That's what Student Government's done for me.'"
The platform hasn't been posted on the party's Web site, which can be found at