Stacey Gray is $150 richer, and she never had to leave a computer.
Gray, a UF biology junior, won the Digital Literacy Contest, which tested Internet research skills, at Library West on Wednesday.
Each of about 50 contestants was given 30 minutes to answer 50 questions using the Internet.
Participants were asked to answer questions on local resources, government, technology, humanities and science, according to the contest Web site.
Prize winners were notified by e-mail after the contest, and all participants were e-mailed their scores.
A total of $300, donated by Alachua County Library District and Books Inc., was given out to first, second and third place winners.
Gray said she wants to donate most of her prize money to the Orange and Blue Party's upcoming Student Senate campaign.
Daniel Poynter, a Purdue University graduate, created the Digital Literacy Contest last year.
Since then, the contest has expanded to include three other universities - Brown University, Indiana University and UF.
Michele Crump, interim director for technical services at George A. Smathers Libraries, helped coordinate the event with Poynter.
"I think it is a great event," Crump said.
"I think it's a way for [people] to learn about databases they haven't used before. I hope we can do it again."