If you've lived in Gainesville for the past few years, you've grown accustomed to constant construction work. We know we have.It just wouldn't be the same to sleep through an entire night without hearing a construction worker barking at one of his coworkers over the sound of a concrete-obliterating jackhammer.
The only way this situation could be more fun is if it took place just outside our windows a few minutes before sunrise. We love to be woken up at 5:45 a.m. when we don't have class for another five hours.
That's why the Editorial Board is excited to hear the Florida Supreme Court reversed a decision that prohibited the city from funding development in expensive areas, such as downtown. Now Gainesville can offer developers incentives - money - to build in more crowded areas.
And you can join us in our lack of sleep.
With any luck, this decision reversal will allow land developers to start throwing together new apartment complexes at the speed of light.
If that holds to be true, we're heading straight for Sam's to pick up a 32-gallon trash can filled with NyQuil so we can sleep through the bulldozer's reverse beep.
It seems like 400 new apartment complexes have been built in the past year and a half, and those were completed without these newly legal city-issued incentives.
We're crossing our fingers in hopes that they'll leave enough space for parking garages after they toss together another couple hundred apartment buildings.