Members of Student Senate passed resolutions at their Tuesday meeting honoring 28 UF students who died last year .
Sen. Thomas Cockriel, chairman of the judiciary committee, authored the bills, which cover student deaths that occurred over the 2007 summer and fall semesters and 2008 spring semester.
Cockriel offered his condolences for the fallen students and also for those who have died this summer. Copies of the resolution will be sent to UF's Dean of Students Office and to the students' families, Cockriel said.
Before unanimously approving the bills, the Senate hosted City Commissioner Thomas Hawkins, who fielded questions from the senators on several issues, including the proposed fire assessment fees.
Senators expressed worries about the proposed fee, which, if adopted, would be levied on property owners in Gainesville to help make up for the city budget deficit that is expected to total more than $2 million.
Hawkins said that due to undecided property tax rates, it has not been determined if all property owners would actually experience an overall increase in how much money they have to hand over to the city.
"It's easy to assume it would have a negative effect in pocketbooks, but it might not," he said.
Hawkins also said the fees would probably fall harder on businesses rather than residential properties, and alternatives such as staff cuts have been proposed.
The senators also probed Hawkins about rising utility rates, unisex bathrooms and neighborhood crime.
Hawkins said in a Wednesday afternoon interview that he was pleased with the breadth of questions the senators asked.