Thursday's letters from Gator Party officials were nothing more than political ploys designed to quell the recent publicity the Orange and Blue Party has been getting in regard to the scandals of Student Government.
Kellie Dale used loaded words such as "dynamic debate" to cover the fact that as long as the Gator Party controls the upper echelons of SG, nothing truly beneficial for students will be achieved. No fresh ideas and no new perspectives. Just the same old corrupt story that has always plagued our student body.
While Dale sugarcoated the situation, Chairman Thomas Cockriel attacked the reporting journalists. If the Orange and Blue Party does not use local media to shed light on the ways of SG, how will anything change?
I believe the reason stories involving such topics keep appearing is because students want to read them. We want to hear how the Gator Party continues to disappoint and push their own agenda, and we want to know what others are doing to undo the damage caused by a one-party system.
The Gator Party needs to stop putting up blatant attempts to destroy their opposition and do something innovative and productive for a change.