The City Commission established restrictions on northeast Gainesville's proposed Hatchet Creek development Wednesday night.
Commissioners voted unanimously to prohibit homes from being built in airport noise zones, which cover a substantial part of the proposed site, Mayor Pegeen Hanrahan said. The zones reach noise levels of 65 decibels or greater.
The commission also voted 6-1 that homes cannot be built on the 200 acres of the 500 acre property that are classified as industrial, unless the homes are proven to be compatible with the nearby airport, Hanrahan said.
The developer, Rob Simensky, sparked controversy when he first petitioned the commission last October because of the property's proximity to the Gainesville Regional Airport and possible damage to wetlands.
Simensky and city officials have agreed that all destroyed wetlands must be replaced by man-made ones.
The development is planned at 2100 NE 39th Ave., next to Ironwood Golf Course.